Tuesday 27 December 2016

Alec Aarons Photography exhibition

In order to support a fellow LCA creative, a photography exhibition was visited in which outlined the malleable nature of record shops within Britain. The exhibition, in which lasted a week, showcased pieces in which highlighted the individuality of each record store visited, embedding the idea that record shops are visited due to their user experience rather than for the goods themselves. With many customers visiting the shops in order to discover a record in which they do not consider beforehand.

The layout of the exhibition was sleek and mature, focusing upon a clear modernist style. A well organised, and presented exhibition in which could have been easily developed by a professional.

Personally, I believe it is important to go to events such as this, especially when attending University, in order to gain confidence talking to fellow professionals. As I attending the opening night, many people in which I recognised from LCA attended this in turn giving me the opportunity to discuss the work with fellow creatives, whilst also pursuing creative relationships with them.