Monday 14 December 2015

Halloween face painting venture

As a graphics student I feel that a vast majority of my work is correlated through the medium of computers which doesn't allow me room to display my craft skills. Thus for this reason I have decided to do a few craft projects each season and document them. To begin this enever, I have produced some craft surrounding Halloween.

As me and a friend visited one of Leeds iconic burlesque shows last week, I felt it a great opportunity to create some Halloween inspired make up. Using primarily glitter, make up and lots of hair spray I began this process.  During the burlesque show multiple people came up to us and discussed the makeup, something that I found was a great way to instigate a conversation.  In one discussion I found myself talking to a fellow graphic designer whom I then shared contact details with and now follow on Instagram. I found this experience highly insightful as I haven't previously 'networked'.

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