Thursday 2 March 2017

Oslo Design company

Oslo is a design based company in Leeds in which focuses largely upon the application of colour within design. The name of the company itself comes from its founders love of Oslo and scandinavian design, focusing largely on minimalism. Focusing upon local businesses there design work is present within the form of websites, print and apps. 

With a large focus being upon colour, it became evident within the talk how influential colour can be within design. As an Individual Ellie studied colour technology and science and thus has an extensive knowledge upon the ways in which humans interact with colour. As an individual she has participated in briefs whereby large scale companys such as Cadburys, have discussed the trademark purple with them, and how to effectively express design using this pantone. 

Colour libraries were also discussed, a relevant factor as I previously believed that pantone was the only one. The movement of colour between screen and print was also discussed with CMYK being a large consideration. 

Humans 3 colour vision  was also discussed with RGB being that of the main focus. this relating back to humans natural instincts such as seeing whether a berry is ripe or not. 

CMYK  was also described as a subtractive colour mixture due to the subjecting of wavelengths. 

In discussion with the set up of the business there were clear pros and cons. Firstly the cons suggested were that of the finical side of the business including VAT. Whereas the pros are selecting the work in which you complete, and being able to run to your own timetable. 

Companies in which Oslo have previously worked with

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