Friday 13 October 2017

Talk it out

This blog post outlines a session with Alec, and key information in which I gathered surrounding professional engagement. This largely focuses on building my network. 


How do I establish myself as a professional?

  • Don't call myself a graphic design student online
  • Play strengths and don't bring up weaknesses 
  • Boast, be confident 
  • Fill your portfolio with projects that mean something to you, not competition briefs 
  • Make the brief itself interesting, good work means nothing without an exciting project
  • Portfolio-my issues/beliefs/not content with digital mock ups-put out in the world
  • Problem finder, not a problem solver

How do I secure a placement, internship or junior position? 

  • Face to face
  • Gifs
  • Spellcheck and tailor emails individually 
  • Never ask if you can work unpaid 
  • Can't expect people to value you if you don't value yourself

How can I build my network without selling my soul

  • Networking is simply being open to meet people whose ideas you admire and goals you share
  • Do it on your own terms 
  • Circle of influence-peoples work I admire-who id like to meet-could open doors

Tuesday 10 October 2017


In the following blogpost a mock cv will be outlined in response to Frankie Ratfords talk. Key elements will be implemented in which I had not previously considered. 


In response to Frankie, from design kids, talk it was decided that a current cv should be put in place. This being essential as potential placements may contact myself and ask for a CV before considering myself any further.

Using Frankie's workshop as inspiration, extra elements were included in my CV. This including competitions in which I have entered, and also collectives in which I may be apart of. This in turn 'bulking' a limited CV. The below image is a sample of the CV at its most basis form, as further colour and design alterations may be made depending upon its usage.

Monday 9 October 2017

1-2-1 Careers advice and guidance

In the following blogpost a careers meeting is discussed, highlighting professional engagement. Discussions into CV's and placements has also been expressed. 


When thinking about the opportunities once leaving university, I became somewhat concerned about the prospect of being unemployed. Being originally from a remote area, I believe that staying in a city, preferably Leeds, would be the most relevant location in order for myself to access a design career. In order to gather a greater understanding upon job employability, a 1-2-1 meeting was completed with Sue Holdsworth, from the universities Career employment resource.

As the idea of being unemployment is a great concern to myself, I discussed with Sue whether there would be more jobs in teaching. After discussing the route into teaching, my opinion surrounding the matter changed, as I realised that I was not passionate about it. sue suggested that often graduates do not gain jobs straight away and therefore a job in retail could sustain my life in a city whilst I searched for a design job. Although I would like to leave university with a design job, I realise that the prospect of this isn't as high as I originally thought and thus this may be my best option.

When discussing placements, Sue suggested that getting into contact with alumni through LinkedIn would be an effective method as they themselves have been in a similar situation to myself previously. From this it was decided that I should further contact both elmwood, and spiral communications as they both have creative directors who previously have studied at LAU.

Actions after the session

From attending the session I decided that I should develop my LinkedIn portfolio before contacting professionals in order to 'sell' myself as strongly as possible. My previous LinkedIn page only contained by name, a profile photo and my education at LAU. The following steps were completed in order to make my page more appealing.

  • Design related profile photograph myself at an exhibition) and cover photo (a piece of my work).
  • Adding other education, and work experience in which relates to the design industry. 
  • Adding interests and specific design areas in which I would like to focus. 
  • Following allumi and companies in which I would like to work for
  • Connecting with over 800 individuals in order to get my name not there, and make links with a range of designers/creative directors. 

Frankie from Design Kids

Within the following blogpost, a talk and workshop by Frankie Ratford will be outlined, discussing key skills gained in terms of professional engagement.

Frankie Ratford 

Frankie @frankieratford

From Frankie's workshop and presentation it became obvious to myself that there is a wide spectrum of opportunities available to students and graduates through the Design Kids. As an organisation they focus upon encouraging young people to promote themselves in turn improving their changes of employment. 


CV building -
This experience allowed me to gain a good idea as to what should be implemented within your cv, as I did not previously know that exhibitions etc should be shown. 

Personality traits -
An exercise was completed highlighting key personality traits which may be implemented within a portfolio. 

Ven diagram-
This task outlined key skills, and ones in which should be gathered before leaving university (work with clients etc)

From participating in the above exercises, a greater understanding was gathered into what employers are really looking for. I did not previously know that when writing a creative CV you should include none related design jobs, in order to show how you work as a team player, as well as exhibiting other skills. 

Individuals she mentioned that may relate to my practice...

Vince Frost- ex-pentagram

One piece of advice in which stood out to myself the most was find one thing that you do better than everyone else. When thinking about my opportunities within the creative industry I must uncover my niche in which will give me an edge, and make me stand out against the thousands of other creative graduates currently looking for a job. This will be an area in which I will focus this forthcoming year, and attempt to portray throughout my portfolio.