Monday 9 October 2017

Frankie from Design Kids

Within the following blogpost, a talk and workshop by Frankie Ratford will be outlined, discussing key skills gained in terms of professional engagement.

Frankie Ratford 

Frankie @frankieratford

From Frankie's workshop and presentation it became obvious to myself that there is a wide spectrum of opportunities available to students and graduates through the Design Kids. As an organisation they focus upon encouraging young people to promote themselves in turn improving their changes of employment. 


CV building -
This experience allowed me to gain a good idea as to what should be implemented within your cv, as I did not previously know that exhibitions etc should be shown. 

Personality traits -
An exercise was completed highlighting key personality traits which may be implemented within a portfolio. 

Ven diagram-
This task outlined key skills, and ones in which should be gathered before leaving university (work with clients etc)

From participating in the above exercises, a greater understanding was gathered into what employers are really looking for. I did not previously know that when writing a creative CV you should include none related design jobs, in order to show how you work as a team player, as well as exhibiting other skills. 

Individuals she mentioned that may relate to my practice...

Vince Frost- ex-pentagram

One piece of advice in which stood out to myself the most was find one thing that you do better than everyone else. When thinking about my opportunities within the creative industry I must uncover my niche in which will give me an edge, and make me stand out against the thousands of other creative graduates currently looking for a job. This will be an area in which I will focus this forthcoming year, and attempt to portray throughout my portfolio.

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