Friday 13 October 2017

Talk it out

This blog post outlines a session with Alec, and key information in which I gathered surrounding professional engagement. This largely focuses on building my network. 


How do I establish myself as a professional?

  • Don't call myself a graphic design student online
  • Play strengths and don't bring up weaknesses 
  • Boast, be confident 
  • Fill your portfolio with projects that mean something to you, not competition briefs 
  • Make the brief itself interesting, good work means nothing without an exciting project
  • Portfolio-my issues/beliefs/not content with digital mock ups-put out in the world
  • Problem finder, not a problem solver

How do I secure a placement, internship or junior position? 

  • Face to face
  • Gifs
  • Spellcheck and tailor emails individually 
  • Never ask if you can work unpaid 
  • Can't expect people to value you if you don't value yourself

How can I build my network without selling my soul

  • Networking is simply being open to meet people whose ideas you admire and goals you share
  • Do it on your own terms 
  • Circle of influence-peoples work I admire-who id like to meet-could open doors

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