Saturday 30 January 2016

A print fair called skint

Last saturday I visited 'A print fair-called skint fair'. Held at the Brunswick, it was the prime location for University Of Leeds students to raise funds for their end of year exhibition. Presented was a variation in artwork for sale, mediums ranging from pins to monoprints. The diverse nature of the show was ever present due to monoprints being displayed alongside comical illustrations and photoshopped imagery.  Some of my favourite pieces being that off 'Egg Murphy' and 'Brad Pip', I began to discuss the work with the owners of the stall and they began to give me a greater insight of the collectives who produced the work-The Hairy Ladies.

When I returned home the lasting brand name remained highly present within my mind. As I had liked their work and even bought some of their pieces I decided to search for them using social media, to discover more surrounding their brand identity. Although a regulated facebook page was made I felt it lacked the messy and humorous atmosphere in which their art presented. Thus due to this I explored instagram with their hashtag. Although not having a collective instagram, I discovered their personal accounts in which contained not only their work but gallery visits and trips. I felt that this was a much more personal approach rather than it being corporate and containing only photoshopped style imagery. 

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