Thursday 28 January 2016


As my cousin Jade is getting married in May, I have often found myself exploring the internet and magazines to gather ideas for her. When specifically searching for favours I found some concepts in which I feel could be effective for my personal branding project.

I like the idea of involving an element of the business card to include a gift in which designers may use, or take home to their families. It would also allow my design to appear unique and memorable. With components such as glow sticks having to be used in the dark, the consumer would not be able to use them straight after distribution. This would create anticipation and would also allow me to stay in the consumers minds for longer. A factor in which I feel important. 

 As I am highly passionate about the environment, I really like this idea. A catch phrase similar to the above could be used in an art manner to entice the audience towards my design. By filling a packet with seeds it also not only contributes to environmental benefits but also every time the consumer looks at the flowers they would conscientiously connect it with my design work. Thus allowing myself as a designer to become memorable.

Small details are important, and personal touches really create an impact when in a world full of mass print design. I feel that these origami prisms capture this, and id like to create a similar effect within my own design work,

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