Sunday 13 November 2016

Aims for level 5-done

In order to keep myself focused I have decided to develop some targets for the forthcoming year, these will be expressed below.

-Explore social media further. I would like to explore my online presence further in order to get my work out there for other designers to notice. 

-Collaboration. I would like to push myself to work with others on small projects outside university.

-Processes. I shall explore with multiple processes in order to ensure my work is not just digital. I would also like to explore processes in which I have not previously tried. 

-Books. Over the past year I feel as if I haven't read as many book as I would like, and thus next year I will read more books, surrounding both design and art. 

-Finally I would like to come out of the year with a solid 2:1, and to have hopefully got a 1st within certain modules. 

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