Sunday 13 November 2016

Overview of Level 4

In order to ensure that my work is progressing throughout the course, feedback was reexamined to establish key areas in which my work lacked. These components must be resolved in order to achieve a higher level within the following academic year.

In order to correlate a precise representation of each module and the factors in which contributed to a lower grade, key aspects were highlighted and then summarised as key points. Completing this process gave myself an in depth overview of areas for improvement, factors in which I will direct my efforts during level 5.







After correlating the feedback from last year there are evident measures for improvement, in which I will focus on upon the following academic year. Initially more research methods should be used including that of primary and secondary. This research should then appear consistent to that of my work, with evident links being made between the two. The general aesthetic of my design should challenge my existing skills, with more initial drawings being included.  My blog should explore trends much more precisely, following a clear pattern, whilst also including forms of problem solving. Group activity should also be recorded in more detail. A similar pattern is also expressed within that of the design boards with a cleaner/more precise layout being recommended. It was also stated that I should develop my own layout for the boards which is fast yet effective. Finally within COP I should ensure that there are more connotations between the essay and final piece also more citations, triangulations and quotes should be used.

Thinking specifically about PPP

Thinking specifically about level 4 PPP, I decded to question myself upon areas in which I personally struggled with. One of the main factors I belive to have loered my mark was not visting enough exhbitations, this will definetly be an area in which I will focus upon eithin the follwing year. This may include: book launches, other LCA exhbitions, Nest launches and gallerys.

Time mangement was also a factor in which I regret not acting upon sooner last year, as i had only a month to complete my final PPP project. During this year I will ensure that all blogposts have been met from the week before.

And finally, I will this year attempt to get in contact with creative indivisuals from diffrent sectors in order to boost my follwoing as a designer, this may be in person, though emails or social medias.

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