Sunday 30 April 2017

Thinking about who I would like to interview

When thinking about who I wanted to interview, I had to think specifically about the career path in which I would like to take. From this the below list of interests were outlined.

  • Advertising 
  • Branding 
  • Bold usage of colours 
  • Design up North 
  • Illustration 
  • Packaging design 

As a result of this list, I was able to develop a list of individuals in which I personally want to contact. Many of these individuals are followed by myself on instagram and thus this was my first method of contact. 


When contacting individuals different tones of voice were used in comparison to the individual's work, ethic and job title. This in turn highlighting to the individual that I am specifically interested in contacting them.


As I follow mushpit closely, and have many issues of their bi-annual publication, I decided that they would be a good starting point in forms of contact. I also felt as if there were multiple questions in which I would like to ask them surrounding design, females and the development of a publication. 

After contacting them through both instagram and email, it was apparent that they were not going to conduct my interview. As they are highly busy I completely understand this decision. 

Studio Collector

One of the main issues in which arose was that of individuals saying they would complete an interview, but once I emailed the questions no response was gathered.

Built by civilization 

A large majority of individuals also did not reply to the message. This may have been because of the chosen platform. 

Studio Build 

As Nicky didn't reply to my previous email, I decided to contact the Build account on instagram, no response was made. 

 Adamg Studio 

Each message developed was individual to the person in which I was attempting to contact. This in turn promoting the idea of a personal relationship between myself and the individual. 

Ludovivo Pincini 

Tone of voice was widely explored when contacting individuals.

Alex Center 

Alex Center is a Brooklyn-based designer who works for the global beverage leader, The Coca-Cola Company, as well as Vitamin Water. As Coca-Cola and Vitamin water both have had bad press, I wanted to discuss this with him, as well as other challenges in which he has faced.

When contacting Alex he initially responded saying he would conduct the interview, but pinpointing an exact time was difficult due to the time difference and his highly busy schedule. As it soon became obvious that he was not to conduct the interview, I tried obnoxious methods of gaining his attention in which John suggested. Unfortunately this did not work.

Guiller Moaliaga 

No response was gained from the following email. 

Harri Park

As Harri had previously given a talk in uni, I decided to contact him as this gave me a personal basis to himself. Again no response was drawn, this being understandable as he did state in his talk how he had to attempt to balance two jobs. 


Jessica Walsh 


Joe Boyd 

As I had previously talked to Joe at the intern magazine launch, I decided to use this basis as an attempt to contact him. Although Joe is an illustrator I thought it would be effective to contact him as he previously won YCN, and is currently working in Duke Studios, a space in which holds prominent design within Leeds.

Unfortunately no interview was gained from this. 

Further non-responses 

As I had now gained no direct response from the instagram format, I decided that a different platform may be effective. As a result of this, I contacted further individuals through email. 


By this point I had decided to focus on designers directly in the north, as I felt that this would be more influential to my future career as I am most likely to stay in the north. 

Kat Loveday

Lord Whitney 

Hello Collective 

Jane Bowyer 

From the emails sent no response has so far been gained. In turn promoting the idea that digital is not the best format in which to contact individuals.


As I had now sent over 25 messages of contact to professionals with no guaranteed interview, I began to think about other ways in which I may be able to contact them. From this the below list was derived. 

  • Phone call
  • Physically visiting them 
  • Letter 
  • Linkedin

When discussing my options with peers they suggested that I should either phone or send a letter to my selected individuals. As I had previously contacted all the individual designers in which I know I decided to focus more directly upon creative studios in the north, primarily Manchester and Leeds (previous blog posts can be found surrounding design studios in which I would like to contact).  

As a result of this, I developed some hand written letters. 

Each letter in which was written was specific to that of each design company. This being in terms of tone of voice, design and formatting. 

Responses from this were an email from Tim Dee at Rabbit Hole.

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