Sunday 30 April 2017

Build-Nicky talk

'Build is an award-winning creative agency with an international reputation for creating strong visual narratives. Utilising art direction and graphic design, we create brand identities, websites, packaging and books for design-led clients around the world.'

Within Nicky's talk she extensively discussed her career path and the ways in which her design career has altered throughout the past 20 years. From originally wanted to be a children's book illustrator she has extensively broadened her career path, being involved within computer gaming, and creative directing. Although her initial aims for her career were not met she joined a path in which she enjoys extensively, promoting the idea that the creative industry allows for multiple paths after a degree.

After the talk I contacted Nicky in order to discuss the potential of interviewing her, as I found the path in which she took highly interesting, and wanted to discuss further her role in build.

Contact with Nicky from Build 

After sending numerous responses to the above email no reply was gained, this most likely being due to the movement of Build's location alongside live briefs. As a result of this I will attempt to further contact Nicky within a couple of weeks. 

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