Monday 23 April 2018

Career Track Tuesday:Professional Awareness

In the following blog, a professional awareness talk will be highlighted. Showcasing workshops completed relating to online presence, and interview tactics.

Professional Awareness-14th November

The professional awareness session was completed by Becky Cape, who establishes young peoples skills for employment. The presentation and workshop focused upon how to present yourself as a professional, and factors that employers like to see/dislike to see. 

People judge you in the first 10 seconds, be friendly, smile, look presentable. 

Skills you need no talent for:

-Being on time 
-Work Ethic 
-Positive Body Language 
-Positive Attitude 
-Being Approachable

Should do:

-Show you are committed to your chosen career 
-Carry out research into your chosen career, and discuss this with the employer
-Enthusiastic about there work
-Desmonstrate technical skills 
-Employ strong career goals-where do I want to go-what do I want to do? 

Employers pet peeves 

-Dont be late!! make sure you are early 
-Communicate well 
-Be self aware, dont promote negative body language 
-Dont have an attitude
-They will search for you on social media 

Things I need to do from this :
  • alter my social media settings 
  • make sure my time management is impeccable 
  • do research into a company before applying
  • show enthusiasm 

During the session, a mock interview was competed with myself volunteering. This put me on the spot as I did not previously study any questions. Although nervous, this task made me realise that interview preparation is key, as it is embarrassing when you are unsure upon how to respond. 

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