Monday 23 April 2018

Mock interview with Tim Dee

This blog outlines a mock interview completed with Tim Dee, showcasing professional engagement.

As I was previously worried about what a graphic design interview would be like, I contacted multiple design studios asking if I could complete a mock interview with them, from this Tim Dee responded.

Examples of Tim's work

The interview took place at Duke Studios

I felt somewhat apprehensive about the interview, as I generally had no idea what to expect, although Tim was very friendly, this making for a more relaxing atmosphere. Although I did not make a note of all the questions asked (due to the interview environment), I have listed some in which I remembered below.

What brands do you most admire and how do they influence your work?
How do you incorporate feedback into your designs? 
Walk me through your portfolio. Which pieces are you most proud of, and why?
How do you stay abreast of the latest design trends?

As I had previously researched some questions, the majority did not come as a surprise to myself, although some did. For example I had not thought about the last question. I tried to answer this the best I could, although I felt myself stuttering at this stage. 

Feedback from Tim

  • Tim suggested that at times I talked too fast, this making myself difficult to understand 
  • Tim also suggested that I should ask questions about the company at the end, as its important to seem interested, and it allows you to gain an insight into the work schedule of your future employer
  • In terms of content he suggested that I responded to the questions extremely well and formulated my responses strongly 
  • He also suggested that I should ponder the question before its asked, this might make me speak slower. 

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