Sunday 1 April 2018

Financing myself in Leeds

This blog post attempts to outline how I plan on financing myself after university. 

After deciding that I would have better opportunities in a city, financial costs were outlined in order to ensure it is a viable plan.

Although I will be applying for design jobs in Leeds, Manchester, Sheffield, Liverpool (and London depending upon financial costs) I will initially be based in Leeds, as I have a pre-existing knowledge of the city and the design studios within it.

Once all univeristy modules are finished on the 14th of May I will be applying for both design jobs (if not done previously) and an 'ordinary' job to sustain my living costs. These other jobs will most likely include retail/bar work as these are the areas in which I have most previous experience.

If I am unable to secure a design job straight after univeristy, I will complete a retail job until available opportunities arise. As well as this I will undergo freelance work on the side and may also complete placements/internships. In order to ensure this is all viable, I completed a small cost plan.

National min wage: £7.38


To finance all my bills/living expenses I would only have to work 25 hours a week, leaving myself a day a week to complete placements/freelance work. 

For example, 

Mon-Thursday (retail) Friday(placement)

I could also complete added freelance work upon the weekend in order to build my portfolio.

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