Saturday 31 March 2018

Proposed Plan after university

This blog post outlines routes in which may be taken after university. Focusing on job opportunity and finances, the post analyses location in terms of effectiveness of gaining a creative career. 


After attending the Ladies Wine & Design event it made me question my original plan of getting a job straight out of university. It also made me question my location of choice, and which would better enable myself a creative career.

Option 1

As I am originally from a rural village in North Shropshire with sparse transport links and am unable to drive, the idea of maintaining a design job from home is very narrow. Other factors such as job availability in such a remote area should also be considered, although a mass bonus of this would be that I would not have to pay rent and thus would save a considerable amount of money each month.

Job employability at home may involve myself commuting to near by locations these include: Shrewsbury (18 miles), Wrexham (15 miles), and Chester (27.9 miles).

In relation to this, I began to such jobs available and transport methods/costs.


Design studios in Shrewsbury

Squeak-focusing on interface and print design

Hammond-commercial design

Verve-digital design

None of the design studios in Shrewsbury really stand out to myself as somewhere in which I would like to work. They all appear to focus on commercial work and are similar to the studio whereby I undertook my placement.

Travel costs/time:

To travel to Shrewsbury I would have to get two connecting buses (Home-Ellesmere, Ellesmere to Shrewsbury).

There are no buses that would get me to Shrewsbury before 9 am and therefore the prospects of me getting a job that allows me to start at 10am are very little. The commute is also 1.45 hours, meaning that I would essential spend nearly four hours travelling each day.

Costs: £14 a day


Baabaa-a range of deliverables for small clients 

Makoo creative-Branding 

Similar to Shrewsbury, Wrexham provides very little choice of design studios, with many also appearing on the outskirts, resulting in transport difficulties. 

Travel costs/time:

Again with two connecting buses, the commute would be 2 hours, meaning that my overall travel time would be 4 hours a day. 

Daily cost: £12.80


After discovering a range of studios, I found Lemondrop a Chester based studio, in which focuses on a range of printed deliverables. The studio appears fun and characteristic, and would be, if I had to move to Shropshire a possible option. 

Travel costs/time:

Taking 2.34 hours to commute, the overall day travel time would be 5 hours

Cost £20.00

Option One Summary

After completing research into the locations available  it became evident that a long commute would be necessary, with a third of my days wage being on travel expenses. The only design studio in which I felt suitable was also a 2.30 hour commute, meaning that if I did return home I would have to be dedicated to the company, something I am unsure about. 

This is also based on the idea that I would gain a design job straight away, as otherwise I believe I would be stuck at home with a job I am unsatisfied with. 

Option Two

Option two would be to gain a creative job in a city, most possibly Leeds. Considering the idea that most graduates do not maintain their career of choice straight away, it may be essential to note that an 'ordinary' job would firstly be maintained with myself completing placements and freelance work on the side. 

Living in a city also would mean that I would have strong transport links, and could apply for multiple creative jobs, meaning a greater chance of success. 

I would have to fund my own living expenses if I selected this option meaning that the general living cost would be about £500 a month (basic rent, bills and food)

Shropshire vs Leeds

After considering the two options, I felt myself massively swaying towards staying in Leeds or another northern city. There are far more opportunities, design studios in which I am already invested and placement opportunities. I also far more enjoy living in a city, and therefore will make further plans/budget plans surrounding securing myself in Leeds. 

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