Friday 30 March 2018

Creative Convos

This blog post outlines the creative convos week and key influencers in which I found to aid my practice.

Week overview:

As I am interested in certain areas of design some talks personally stood out to myself more than others, although I felt all were insightful and offered me a greater perspective of industry. Diversity was a factor in which I felt the week largely possesed with both design diversity and cultural/sex diversity being presented. As minority groups are often neglected within design, I felt that this was highly influencing.


An example of studio BLUPS work with Nike 

An example of BLUPS work with Ciroc 

Dines kicked off the creative convos week and was for myself, one of the best. Discussing his transition from University and developing the identity BLUP, Dines discussed the struggles in which he overcame and the challenges he has faced as a designer. Setting up his own, internationally renown studio, Dines has come far within the past 10 years (something in which he suggested can be done if you are passionate and are dedicated to your projects). 

When presenting to Dines within the workshop it allowed myself to be put on the spot and develop an unprepared pitch surrounding #LondonIsOpen (a brief in which I was working on for extended practice). This allowed myself to pain feedback from a professional perspective, with Dines suggesting ways in which the brief may be pushed further and explored with digitally. 

Rose Nordin

Some visual examples of Rose's editorial work

Rose largely discussed her design career and made comments upon the Art Fund (a charity in which I had previously not heard of) in which supports creatives who want to develop amazing work but do not have the budget. She also discussed her time at Somerset house and how working freelance in a creative environment allows her to gain feedback she would not on her own. 

Eve Warren/Chris Shuttleworth

As I was a pre-existing fan of Eve Warren I was extremely excited by the prospect of meeting her. The talk about Robot Food, a studio based both in Leeds and Manchester, showed the fun, innovative packaging in which they create. The mini competitions and the general management of the company felt to be something in which I found aspiring, and would definitely be somewhere in which I would consider working within the future. 

The elephant room/pop up agency 

Although these two talks/workshops did not explore my areas of interest I found them highly inspiring, most specifically in terms of idea generation and standing out in the creative world. From this I decided that I should develop my own branding style as they have evidently expressed theres through presentations and their social media accounts. 

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