Friday 30 March 2018

Designers of inspiration

After reading an article ( surrounding the lack of female role models for women, and how this holds them back within their careers, I decided to think about who my key design infleunces are. And yes, they were mostly men. Even design studios in which I follow and aspire to work for are largely male focused. So I questioned myself as to why? Is there a lack of females in the design industry? or a lack of exposure?

From this pivotal moment I decided to focus my efforts on finding female designers/creatives in which I aspire to. A list below has been ecumilated of female inspiration, one in which I now regually follow and use as design inspiration.

Lord Whitney 



Sister magazine 

Eve Warren 

Jane Bowyer 


In conjunction to this, I also decided that female lead events may be source of inspiration to myself and thus I decided to attened a range of inspirational talks/vists (these have been further listed on my blog)

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