Friday 30 March 2018

Owlcotes submission

This blog offers an insight into my interaction with the LAU opportunities bulletin, and the live Owlcotes brief completed in response to this. 


One tool in which I have found extremely useful this year is that of the LAU opportunities bulletin, offering events and live briefs. In order to engage with this, I have attended career track Tuesday events and participated in multiple briefs. One brief in particular in which I found useful was that of the Owlocotes community trust brief.

The set brief was to develop a logo for that of Owlcotes Academy Trust (a new Academy primary school within Pudsey). As I often design for an older demographic and do not consider a younger target audience within my design, this project allowed me to consider a variety of consumers.

The brief also allowed me to gain a better understanding of logo design, whilst embedding a branding piece within my portfolio. The concept behind the final outcome is also a discussion point as I believe it to be highly conceptual.

Competition boards were developed to submit my final pieces, as there was no limit on how many logo designs you could submit, I entered my three strongest. If I am to win the competition this will offer me a live brief for extended practice as well as my portfolio, showcasing that I am a professional designer. As this brief is commissioned £250 I will use the money to finance my self branding, as well as other briefs.

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