Monday 23 April 2018

Ladies Wine Design VS Glug

This blog post outlines a Ladies Wine Design VS Glug event. Information expressed includes that of female creatives work and key elements in which were gained. 


Hosted at Duke studios on the 22nd Of March 2018

The event entailed leading creative women taking to the stage, sharing inspiration, career advice and life hacks. Focusing on a female panel, the event was like none other in which I have previously attended, and contrasted the usual male centred panel often outlined at design events. It was also incredible to see that a surprisingly large proportion of men attended the event, as I previously thought that the audience would be all female. By not excluding men from the event, it allows the next generation of male designers to grasp concepts and ideas expressed by female designers and the hardships in which they balance with work: work place sexism, childcare etc.

The programme:

Malin Perrson

Marlin focused upon the lifes 'oh shits', highlights that not everything has to be 'perfect, suggesting that sometimes things go wrong, and thats okay, its just life. She later went onto suggest that just because we are creatives doesn't mean that were not in business. This related to me personally, as my placement at spiral left me thinking that full time creativity would mean a full time creative block, but if I were to complete business elements, then my time designing would be sacred. 

Cari Kirby
Cari Kirby discussed design as a mother, and the struggles of a work life balance. As statistics show that women over 40 are less likely to have a senior role in design (due to caregiving leave), it is essential that women are in a strong job before this period, in order to ensure there name is well known and strongly represented before they take any leave (if they choose to do so).

Olivia Dowling 

Olivia based her talk on Luck, suggesting that we make our own luck in life. She highlighted that if you don't get yourself out there as a designer and self promote, no one will accidentally discover you, its not a film, its real life. Her message was simple, the harder you work the more 'Luck' you get. 

Ellen Lin

Ellen Ling outlined her roles as a copywriter, and suggested that you should get feedback from everyone, even if they're not creative. She suggested that the negative comments are just, if not more  helpful than the positive, as they allow you to alter your idea, in turn providing an astonishing final outcome.  

Key advice taken away from the event 
1 – Don’t be interesting, be interested.
2 – Be more like Han and... do more things Solo.
3 – Don’t grow a wishbone where your backbone should be.
4 – You learn nothing when you’re trying to be everything.
5 – Gossip about yourself.
6 – Don’t settle for meh.

7-  Having children and working is really really hard but worth it 
8-  Luck isn't a thing 
9-  Listen to everyone
10-Learn how to laugh during a presentation 

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