Saturday 21 January 2017

Emoji blog

When thinking about modern day communication it is evident that pictograms have seemed to outplace certain words, for example emojis. When thinking back to Lascaux Cave Paintings it is evident that for thousands of years humans have been developing speech through images, and thus why should this alter in the 21st century. Last year the word of the year was actually not a word but the laughing emoji, maybe this suggests a movement into a pictogram area.

Peta have even developed an emoji short film:
A successful way in which youths may be targeted. 

Psychology of emojis

  • People tailor their emoji use to match the situation
  • Allows for an insight into sarcasm etc 
Further inisght can be found at:

Location Emojis

It has been discovered that the location of the individual may alter their emoji preference, nationally and regionally. A prime example of this is that the most common emjoi used in Leeds is that of a blue heart.

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