Sunday 22 January 2017

Yorkshire sculpture park

Although I have previously visited Yorkshire sculpture park, it was decided to take another trip in order to explore the new exhibitions open, as well as seeing some of the previous classics. Learning from my previous experience a large coat, water and wellies were taken. 

As the sculpture park is very large, I did not previously see all sculptures present, and thus a re-visit gave me the opportunity to do so. The two above pieces were some of my favourite as the colours used within their design was highly impactful. The materials used were also interesting as they were not developed from mental nor wood like multiple statues at the park. 

In this case sculptures have been used in order to protect the environment, and give nature a home. As the park is widely busy, especially in summer, I believe this to be a highly important factor, and thus am glad that Yorkshire Sculpture Park have consciously attempted to improve their park for the environment. In turn promoting a sustainable environment. 

Following on from the typography inside small traces of the familiar type were also expressed within sheltered locations. 

A recurring theme in which I enjoyed through the exhibitions was that of typography. Developed from felt the typography expressed within the inside exhibitions appeared friendly yet prominent.  The type was used mostly as a decoration format, as key information was digitally developed in order to ensure clarity. 

Large bay windows have been used to ensure that the buildings feel natural and blend in with their environment. This is alo prominent within the architecture, and colour of the outer/inner buildings.

One Of my favourite pieces from the day. Walking up the stairs, these sculptures appear to be rabbits, but once you reach the second floor it becomes apparent that they are in the shape of plastic bags. Focusing upon environmental issues, this piece challenges litter/packaging's environmental footprint. Suggesting that pollution is overcoming the landscape. 

Lino Prints were exhibited in which again focused upon the environment and landscapes. 

Although I enjoyed the day out, I much prefered the Hepworth as I personally believe that I connect more directly to contemporary art, as some sculptures within the Park appeared far too abstract to connect to. This is a personal preference although I believe Yorkshire Sculpture Park to be a great day out.

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