Wednesday 18 January 2017

Intern Magazine

One of aims for level 5 was to actively engage with more events in which would involve interaction with working professionals. When the opportunity arose to have a discussion with the members of intern magazine at their latest magazine launch I jumped at the opportunity, as editorial design is one of my interests. On arrival the atmosphere was very relaxed, and the team were very friendly. Discussions were broken up, with individual leaders being assigned. Mine was that of Joe Boyd, an alumni of leeds college of art. 

Obviously the discussion lead towards his personal experience since leaving university, his struggles and beliefs within the creative industry. Being a previous YCN winner we also extensively discussed the competition and my selected briefs. Some advice was given upon my selected ideas, and how to stand out against competitors. The collaborative brief was also discussed, with advice being given upon how to work alongside other creatives, and how to actively involve each participant.  As a freelance illustrator we also discussed his movement into Duke Studios, whereby he works as a freelancer. It was stated how great the opportunity is to be involved with Duke studios and to work in a close nit creative environment. 

From the experience I later went on to follow Joe on instagram, as both his professional attitude and creative style interest me. I may also ask him to complete the interview during my second module, as I want to focus upon the transition from LCA to the creative world. 

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