Sunday 22 January 2017

Flower light instilation

For photoshoot me and my flatmates decided to develop a light installation in which projected multiple colours upon a set of flowers, in turn developing a new approach to the generic 'flowers in a vase' style of art. In turn expressing a contemporary style of photography developing a juxtaposition towards the thousands of mundane oil painted flowers already produced. The giving of flowers is a tradition in which has been expressed for centuries, and thus it was decided to express a 21st century atmosphere to the tradition. Below are some of the most effective images from the shoot. 

As the shoot was taken in the dark the images appear somewhat pixilated due to the exposure given. In order to tackle this the resolution was altered on photoshop. The brightness and contrast was also manipulated in order to develop a photograph in which I felt to truly represent a 21st century approach of 'flowers in a vase'. The above two images show how the photoshop process has allowed for a deisgn in which feels more impactive. 

Although this project was completed for fun, I feel the outcome to be very strong, and thus will exhibit the photograph on my professional instagram, in turn giving my work exposure. Hashtags may also be used in order to embed this further. 

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