Tuesday 31 January 2017

Evaluation of OUGD504 Feedback

 As I did not analyse my feedback given from last year at the time I have this year therefore decided to analyse relevant feedback and aid this to promote my design practice and design skill set.

The grade given for OUGD504 was 68% a high 2:1, in which is my overall aim for the course. When analysing the feedback gained it is evident that certain criteria lacked, such as research. When analysing the given information it became evident that a broader range of research should have been outlined, an example of this being books. As the mark given for this criteria was only 66% this is definitely an area in which I will improve within following submissions. 

Other feedback suggested that I should consider contemporary design trends, as well as pushing the design limits of my own design. As I want my overall practice to improve I will attempt to implement these factors in following modules. 

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