Thursday 4 February 2016

I have a natural affinity with animals, and personally believe that if you have no compassion for animals than you have none at all. Being a vegetarian I believe that all life is equal, and although I don't believe that everyone should abstain from eating meat (vastly due to agriculture preserving species such as cattle) I personally choose to refrain from doing so. 

From a young age I grew up on what may be described as a menagerie, and rarely remember a time in which I haven't been involved in some animal related activity, whether that be chasing after an escaped horse, or rearing twenty bunnies after an eventful easter. My family encouraged me to take a personal role maintaining the animals welfare, as they were always considered to be that of my responsibility. 

The perception of design contributing to animal discontent is an sentiment in which I do truly deteste, and thus within my future role as a graphic designer I would stride to be involved with a movement in which specifies the wellbeing of animals. Participating as a conscious designer who promotes organizations, products and services that aim not to exploit animals or the earth.

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