Tuesday 16 February 2016

Logo research

Modernism displays cleanliness, organisation and confidence, all aspects in which I maintain as a designer and would like to explore further within my design practice. Swiss design is also somewhat important to me as I often refer back to designers such as Muller Brockmann and Hoffmann within my research. 

When developed correctly negative space within logo's can appear extremely effective, the Fedex logo being a specific example of this. Negative space often manipulates typography into gaining a visual aspect, often a simplistic shape, in which conveys meaning towards the brand. This is a much more effective technique than to that of placing an image alongside text, as this method makes the consumer think in depth about the logo's purpose.

The usage of a script typeface within this design allows multiple aspects of the designers personality to be expressed. For example I would suggest that the individual who developed this businesscard is attempting to express themselves as a creative, friendly designer. The script used appears somewhat like handwriting and thus adds a personal component towards the design, which is then professionalised by the serif font expressed through the reverse. The black and white colour scheme suggests sophistication and intelligence, two components in which every designer should want to be connected with.

The merging of both shape and type is definitely the most effective component within this design, as it expresses multiple ways in which a designer may work. For me I feel that this design is far too restricting as the type is somewhat 'boxed' in. Although I feel that the usage of a black logo allows it to appear effectively upon multiple platforms.

Both of these designs involve both text and image in a simplistic format. The image appears to be part of the typography itself and thus communicates the logo as a whole rather than separate factors. A two tone approach has been expressed through both of them, something in which I must consider if I do not want the designs appearing over complicated. 

This design uses purely image in order to express the brand's ethos. Although I feel that this is effective for large brands, I feel it is less so for individual designers as they must involve some form of type in order to express the designer's name, thus making the final product personal to them.

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