Monday 22 February 2016

Photography induction

During the photography lightning induction we were shown how to develop strong visual pieces for our portfolio. A variation of approaches were explored such as transparent backdrops, high key and low key lighting. The general setup was also discussed as well as the difference between using one and two lights. I was impressed by how easy it was to develop pieces in which look highly visual, and appear as if they could be displayed upon a professional blog. The overall process didn't consume much time with the setting up and dismantling taking up the duration. In which could be resolved by asking fellow peers if they would like to photograph their work at the same time as mine, in turn for a joint assembly.

 I also explored ways in which to photograph 2D/3D objects as well as shiny metals in which reflect light. The overall processes was really enjoyable and with gaining strong imagery of my bookbinding, which I can in turn place upon my art instagram, I felt that the processes was overall successful.

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