Saturday 20 February 2016

Who I want to be

Thinking more in depth about who I want to be and where I want to end up, I decided to set myself a criteria in which I would like my design to express.

-Firstly I want it to explore confidence. I like to feel as if I am a confident individual but I do feel as if there is improvement needed within my confidence surrounding my work. By exhibiting confidence within my design I feel as if it would push myself to become that person who is able to talk to anybody about anything.

-Secondly, I want my design to exhibit some form of my morals surrounding design and how I do not specifically want to work for a company in which evokes animal cruelty or exploits poverty.

-As I want to work as part of a design company I also feel that my name would be much more effective than a logo, as it introduces me instantaneously to the company.

-As I also enjoy typography, a type based design may be explored.

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