Saturday 27 February 2016

Second drawings

Following the modernist approach I focused largely on composition and how the lines could coincide with one another effectively. I felt that by doing this it would resemble multiple personality traits in which I maintain such as organisation skills. Personally I felt that the middle column possessed the most effective designs as their aesthetic is most attention grabbing.I also believe that these designs could be pushed much further in order to represent a style in which resembles my work. During the following design stages I will experiment with these ideas focusing upon clarity and composition. 

Again I experimented with script looking at both my full name and initials. I explored ways in which the letterforms could coincide effectively with one another, highlighting key structural features of each individual letterform. Designs I felt most effective where that in which elongated the tails and bars. By doing this the typeface seemed to break the boundaries of normal type design, in turn denoting myself as a designer in which likes to remove boundaries and advance further within the design process. This being a factor in which John has previously mentioned when producing work for clients.

In an attempt to make my design appear more stamp like I decided to place them within a circle. Not only does this make the designs appear in a stamp format but it also conveys friendly behaviour and unity, factors in which I would hope clients felt when working with me within the future. The designs in which I feel most effective from this are the ones in which contain the signature styled handwriting, this may also create further connotations to the 'stamp of approval' idea, as it may suggest my signature agreeing the the terms in which the company express. 

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