Tuesday 16 February 2016

Narrowing down ideas

As I had developed a range of approaches I felt that I should narrow the concepts down to a few selected ideas, in which express me as an individual and the practice in which I would like to participate in.

The main concepts include that of:

'Inner spark'

Using primarily light, a range of processes would be exhibited in order to effectively represent that of an 'inner spark'. The context behind the design is that all designers have creative block, and that can only be resolved by a 'sparkler approach'. Sparklers must be lite in order to reach their full potential and the same sentiment can be expressed through the creative process. As someone else must light the idea, in order for the concept to ignite.

Although I feel that a sparkler based buisness card is a strong idea, I feel as if it would limit other areas of my design such as an instagram or logo. Would I be able to explore other realms of design rather than purely light? Also a fire hazard must be considered.

'Seed paper'

As I am passionate about the environment an ecofriendly approach may be explored. The sentiment of using seed paper is a concept in which I feel would work extremely effectively as it allows for a business card in which could be planted afterwards. Thus every time the design is looked connotations towards myself as a designer would be made.

'Stamp of approval'

Ethical design work is important to me and therefore I wouldn't place my stamp of approval upon design work in which I feel is harmful. Due to this I feel that my logo could be easily expressed through the the medium of a stamp. Thus my 'stamp' would be applied to work in which I developed ethically.

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