Wednesday 24 February 2016


Following the initial based designs, I began to develop a similar approach using that of watercolours. Firstly I experimented with the similar 'H' in a circle format, something in which I felt worked less successfully due to the water colour base. Due to this I then began to experiment with the watercolours in order to suggest a brush movement. This was then overlaid with white type, a soft approach in which I feel did not fully represent Hannah as a designer. 

I then began to experiment further with type, altering the colour to a more professional black and also adding her future career. By doing this the design started to take form as something which may actually be used as promotional material.

I wanted to experiment with colours in which suggest a creative flow, and also femininity. Although colours such a blue may not be considered feminine, light variations are often associated more with the female gender. I also felt that the usage of blue made a point, as it was a colour that was originally associated with femininity. Green was experimented with due to its association with freshness, as Hannah's artwork would be somewhat fresh amongst other design work. The colour in which I felt denoted Hannah best was that of orange. A vibrant colour in which is exciting, eye catching and also feminine.

Composition was explored in order to develop a design in which highlighted the key information. A white background was chosen to also highlight this. A factor I felt worked successfully with not over complicating the identity.

When asking Hannah  her overall thoughts  surrounding the product she stated that it was much more successful than the first design approach, thus more suiting to her practice. As a designer she felt that she wouldn't have came to the same conclusion but that she felt the final product to be favourable, with the fluid typeface and the colour scheme being her preferred aspects.

As this study task is very similar to that of the PPP self branding project I felt that I have learnt many key factors in which I must apply to my own project. Firstly, the type must convey me as a person-there's no point using a type in which does not successfully communicate myself as a designer. Secondly, colour scheme- I must chose a colour scheme in which relates to me, and not try to be someone else. And thirdly, its a design in which to promote myself, so although crits are important I must critique my own work and gather my own judgement surrounding colour schemes etc.

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