Sunday 13 May 2018

Business cards

This blog post outlines considerations made towards my business cards, outlining my creative pattern and production considerations. 

Initial drawings were formulated, highlighting key ways in which the business cards may be formulated. In order to ensure the concept is expressed clearly, it was decided that the reverse may contain different careers paths, showcasing my versatility.

From the sketches, a broad range of mock ups were developed. These explore my typesetting skills alongside other design considerations.

  • yellow was implemented in order to comply to contemporary design trends, as well as a pre-existing knowledge of colour theory 

  • the logo has been clearly established, showcasing continuity within the branding 

  • back variations explore different job roles, showcasing versatility and allowing the product to be specific to roles applied for. 

  • the four different reverses 
  • information changes showcasing versatility

Larger variations were explored, although peer feedback suggested that this appeared unprofessional. 

A range of hues were explored in order to develop a colour palette in which situates itself with my personality. The business card was centralised, ensuring that the consumer can easily discover the relevant information. 

The final business cards present an effective, professional outlook, showcasing my versatility as a designer.

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