Sunday 13 May 2018

end of module evaluation

Through the OUGD602 module, a range of attributes has contributed to my professional engagement. By completing a work placement, an in-depth knowledge of the industry has been achieved, gaining an insight into a professional environment. Informing views on my future career, my time at Spiral highlighted that I am not suitable for an artwork role, and that a variety of other creative career paths may be an option to me. These have been highlighted within my personal branding.

In terms of engagement, a collection of events, talks, workshops and studio visits have prompted a knowledge of the design industry, offering a realistic insight into the sensibility of gaining creative work after university. In order to combat the lack of creative junior roles available, especially for women, careers events have been attended, as well as applications for work being made via the internet, and the sending of my creative pack. This allowing myself to stand out against the thousands of other graphic design graduates based in the UK.

In terms of self-branding, a range of deliverables have been devised, showcasing myself both digitally and physically. This promoting mass exposure. Innovative ways in which to create creative partnerships have also been explored, although in general terms, face to face conversations have been most effective.

When outlining relationships with collaborators, it may be suggested that many influencing factors have been discovered this year, including the issues in which may arise when working collaboratively with friends. These challenges were overcome, prompting a professional attitude at all times. This attitude has also been established when working alongside live clients, ensuring that their demands are met. Strong relationships have been built through this process, offering future client based work.

In order to further promote myself within the future, it has been decided that after university a range of relevant personal projects will be completed. This extending my portfolio and showcasing passions. In terms of a professional creative role, studios will be contacted over the forthcoming months, with freelance projects supporting my creative output in the meantime.

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