Sunday 13 May 2018

Inspiring medias

1. Ted Talks- Usually if i'm stuck within the design process I tend to turn to a ted talk in order to assist me. I find the talks really useful, even when talking about non art related topic areas. One I specifically enjoyed watching focused upon the graphic journey of designer John Maeda, the talk is depicted in the following link:

2. A graphic design blog in which focuses primarily on photography, layout, colour and type. I specifically like how the blog constructs both imagery and type together.

3.Cereal magazine-a monthly magazine in which focuses upon travel and design. I especially like the use of spacing within the magazine and how image and type compliment one another.

4. is an online gift shop that specifics in art related gifts. They also have open competitions which allow you to submit your design ideas and to create a product.

5.Nordic Noir-specifically Y Gwyll and The Bridge. I really like the idea of viewing something in a different language as I feel it allows a whole new depth of meaning to the viewing. I also like to study the conscious design decisions for that sub genre such as an muted colour palette.

6.Stilt_Media on Instagram. I follow many art related blogs on Instagram but this is by far my favorite. They display their work over many mediums, some of my favorites include: craft, painting, graphics and photography.

7.Katie Jade Dobson's facebook page. I follow Katie on facebook as I find her work visually impactive. During the past week she has written a series of blog posts talking about when its time to abandon a piece of artwork, I found these blogs highly insightful.

8.GordanGram- Gordan Ramseys instagram. I often look on Gordan's instagram for food inspiration, as one of my loves is cooking.

9.The skinny ( An independent magazine that focuses upon the worlds cultural aspects. Not only do I like the articles displayed within this magazine but I also like the design of the magazine itself, especially the layout and typefaces.

10.Yorkshire Sculpture Park. This week I visited YSP, I found the experience highly joyful as I have never visited before and its something in which I have really wanted to do for a long time. I specifically enjoyed seeing famous pieces by Hepworth and Moore. I found the experience so much more satisfying than viewing a sculpture on a photography based level.

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