Sunday 13 May 2018


A range of collaborations was completed this academic year to import collaborative skills within my portfolio. This may also exhibit skills in which I do not maintain, for example, campaign knowledge.

Collaboration with Amy

My first collaboration, with Amy, was highly unsuccessful. Exceeding deadlines and exploring an outcome in which we were both not unsatisfied with, the project as a whole did not meet original expectations. When reflecting upon the collaboration, it may be suggested that issues arose as we were previously friends. Not wanting to offended one another often meant that we were producing work in which we did not like. 

Collaboration with Erin 

After the poor start to collaborations, it was decided that a collab would be undergone with someone as to who I have never met. Erin Williams, a photography student was selected as her photography skills export colour, an element in which I wanted my portfolio to express. 

In collaborative terms, Erin was highly organised ensuring all details were clearly labelled for myself. Discussions could be formulated, with both of us making small compromises, ensuring that the final outcome was effective. Overall the final outcome was extremely successful, employing a strong portfolio piece. 

Collaboration with Calum 

Although myself and Calum have a pre-established friendship, the collaboration went extremely well, importing elements in which were missed during Amy's collaboration. Working with another designer was extremely useful, with Calum prompting an insight into campaign knowledge.  

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