Sunday 13 May 2018

Self branding: Website

In conjunction with talks by Alec, it was decided that a professional website should be gained. showing relevant materials online.

An initial website was developed, this can be seen at

The initial website was formatted upon Adobe Portfolio, meaning that it automatically connects with my Behance posts, ensuring work is up to date. Although stating this, some issues arose with the platform, these include:

  • not being able to link my own domain, which is unprofessional 
  • not being able to have a personal email address as a result of this 
  • due to the colours available, I was unable to colour match the website with my new brand identity

Feedback from Alec suggested that:
  • images should not be cropped
  • it is essential that a personal domain is inputted
  • the website should match my branding 

As a result of this feedback, a website was gained via Squarespace. 

 Available at 

  • Employing my own personal domain, as well as email address, a professional piece of self-branding was developed 
  • In conjunction to feedback, any briefs in which I was unsure about, were left out
  • my personal branding was evident on each page, making the website easily identifiable 
  • a range of projects were expressed, including that of live work

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