Saturday 12 March 2016

CV Design

In order to gather a greater perspective on working professionals Cv's I decided to conduct research into structures already available.

Colour is obviously a strong influence within this design due to two tone approach in which has been taken. I feel that by limiting the colours used it allows the design to appear much more simplistic thus easier to navigate. Two type sizes have been explored within this approach, again keeping the design clean and straight to the point. I feel that a CV in which is easy to navigate is extremely important and thus I will focus upon this during my  designs. 

This approach contains far too much information in which over powers the consumer. The data becomes difficult to follow within this format, and although colous have been used in an attempt to express structure I feel that the overall design is very messy. Within my own approaches I will only use relevant information in order to tackle this. 

A clear grid structure has been used within this design to convey cleanliness and professionalism, factors in which would be important to a future employer. The usage of a word cloud and pictograms allows the design to appear visually interesting as well as content aware. An image as also been used in order to depict the designer, a personal approach in which I feel to be highly effective.

An illustrated approach exhibits not only relevant information but also the designers unique style, in which pushes the designer further against their competitors. I like the idea of capturing my own style within my approach to allow my unique design style to be exhibited.

Following the research I began to develop some thumbnails considering the basic structure of the cv.I focused upon the hierarchy of information, considering the way in which the consumer would approach the design.

Following my drawings closely I developed an approach in which is clear,impactive and easy to navigate. When asking my peers about the basic structure they suggested that instead of using an image of myself that I should use my logo, this then marketing my brand as well as exhibiting my artwork. Other suggestions included involving colour, as although it is professional document colour would not be scrutinized, especially when applying for a design studio. Pictograms were suggested in order to liven the design, giving it an playful approach, this being a realm in which I would definitely like to explore. 

During the following design stages I will look closely at pictograms, as I feel that they are a design edge in which may give me hierarchy against other competitors.

Pictograms were then experimented with in order to make the design more interesting. I focused primarily on the three sections education, skills and about me. As I already have a extensive knowledge on pictograms due to a previous module, I decided that a refresh would be a good idea. I conducted research into the ways in which pictograms can be represented focusing upon their simplistic nature.

I explored pictograms relating to my subjects and developed some initial drawings. Designs in which stood out to me were that of the rossett, graduation hat and pen.

From my drawings I then correlated the strongest ideas and then produced them digitally. Although they will not remain black, I decided to express them in this format as when I am asking opinions colour will not be scrutinized. 

In order to gather feedback surrounding my pictograms from a wider audience I took to my professional twitter in order to gather responses. I developed a pole in which the users vote for the pictogram in which they feel best suits the topic area. From this exercise I correlated that the graduation hat, the cogs and the third person were the most successful at communicating the subjects.

During the following design stages I will add the pictograms to my pre constructed cv, and experiment extensively with colour.

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