Tuesday 15 March 2016

social media-Instagram

To decide upon the general style of my Instagram I looked at other creativites, in order to give myself an idea surrounding what factors build a good Instagram. I found that white backgrounds were highly sort after as they didn't distract from the work. I also found that a mixture of photography and graphical worked appeared well, especially when creates blogged about exhibits in which they visited. 

As I strongly believe in ethics my first ideas involved spray painting animals. Both a lion and cheetah in order to embed my passion for animals and their rights. Using the animals as characters they were placed next to my work. 

When taking this idea to the critique it was suggested that the animals had to real relevance to my work as I had not previously involved them within any design aspects. The silver aspect of the animals was also questioned. Due to this I decided to take a completely different approach. 

In order to have a more informed Instagram I decided to develop contact pages at the end of each project correlating all the imagery in which I felt strong. From this I then decided upon the strongest imagery to put upon my Instagram. 

To keep consistency within my images I decided to download Whiteagram, an app in which gives your images a white background. I felt that this helped with the overall clarity of my Instagram. I exhibited a variation of images including others work, screen prints, monoprints, photography and books I found interesting. 

In order to express my concepts I developed informed descriptions focusing on the brief and my own personal opinions about my design work. 

In order for my work to be explored by other designers I decided to use hashtags, this in turn allowing myself to get noticed by design companies.

When taking my Instagram to the final critique it was suggested that this approach was much more effective than that of the first as it appeared more informed. It was also suggested that the icon should be my logo, I considered doing this during the design process but decided upon a picture of myself in order to develop a personal response, and due to this will not be altering the design. Hashtags were suggested in order to get my work further explored by designers. Overall the response was positive, with some comments suggesting to show more experimental work, this is definitely something in which  I will explore. 

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