Tuesday 15 March 2016



My reason behind developing a header was that when developing notes I could write them upon the header in order to spread my brand, the headers would then appear upon my blog, instagram, snapchat and twitter, thus embedding my logo subconsciously amongst other designers. I also felt that headers would allow me to appear as a professional rather than purely a student. 

The headers were produced in both pink and white, an informal and formal approach. I decided to do this to display myself as a playful creative but also a future business woman. 

The structure of the header is basic, clear and legible. All components in which is expected from a header. The relevant information is present, and the typeface is legible and thus I am unable to fault the structure of this design. The general aesthetic could appear more interesting, but the design completes its purpose. 

Business Cards

The three colour approach to that of my business cards is probably the design aspect in which I feel strongest, as it allows multiple associations to be made towards the design. The screenprinting process to develop these designs took a considerable amount of time, a factor I must consider due to the availabilty to print. Also some of the cards appeared to be slightly of centre due to the general arrangement. If I were to complete further screen prints of these designs I must develop a concept in which allows me to print the designs appropriately upon each side.

Another limitation is that the colours of the card are not exactly that of pantone, although when buying stock I attempted to get the closest colour match.


The general layout of the cv is affective due to precision in which the general information is presented. The colour scheme complies to that of the project, although the tone differs slightly due to the CMKY printing, a factor in which I may consider further before distrubuting the designs. The structure is the most relivent component within the design, as information such as the hobbies may be altered to suit myself at the time of distubution. Overall, I believe that this is an effective approach towards cv design.


Again the notebook was made in order to exhibit my brand image. When applying for design companies I will send them my notebooks, thus every time they see the book they will instantly think of my brand. As the likely hood of this notebook is that it will be stored away until its needed, the designers may forget my name, and thus it may be a good idea to include my name and contact details on the reverse. I feel that the screen printed nature of the book gives it an extra edge over that of a digitally printed book. The logo is slightly ajar causing the design to appear somewhat unprofessional, the amount of pages within the design should also be increased in order to mimic that of a real book. I could have also experimented with lined paper rather than blank in order to express a 'jotter' appeal.

Book of ethics

I feel as if developing a code of ethics really embeds a personal approach towards my self branding project, as it is a design aspect in which is unique to myself. The content itself is clear and legible, although somewhat dull. Although it is a formal document the front cover involves an illustration and thus maybe this is an approach I could follow within the 3 spread layout.

In order to make the general aesthetic more interesting I added a light aspect to the door in which embedded the idea of being insightful. I did this by hand, using a white ink pen. I really liked the effect in which this created, as it gave the design a personal approach-a factor in which I attempted to explore with further on the reverse of the design. 

The general style in which is possesed within this book is one that I like, although I feel that elements in which I completed after screenprinting work less effectively. During the critique it was suggested that I add my logo to the design in order to create continuity with the others, and thus I stuck my logo on the reverse something in which I now feel looks very amateur. It was also suggested that I write my name and contact details handwritten on the back, I also believe this is a design in which I regret, due to its informal nature. The card use was also too thick and thus when folded creases occurred, so stock would be another factor in which to consider when mass printing the designs.

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