Sunday 6 March 2016

more experimenting (old logo combined with new)

Focusing upon the feedback recieved I began to experiment further with shape and text, looking closley at aesthetic.

Following a basic circle structure I began to explore ways in which type and shape could be effictively positioned in order to suggest confidence.  A variation of approaches were explored in which consentrate upon movemnt and artistic rhythm. I felt that the drawn circles appeared somewhat immature and unprofessional, thus I decided the basic circle structure was most effective. The type appeared much more impactive on a mass scale, as the illimination of vasts amounts of negative space pushed the type forward into being the prominant feature.

Focusing upon the basic circle, I increased the type size. As the type increased with size the outer type was removed causing the circle to appear as if it is part of the type itself. Thus creating a sence of unity between the shape and text, a factor in which I feel highly importnat as myself and companies must share unity in order to produce strong design work.

I experimented again with colour to insure that the type would be legible. I found that if multiple colours were present within the circle then the text became lost, due to this the logo will always remain part of a two tone colour scheme.

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