Wednesday 9 March 2016


 Although headers are usally associated with buinsess types and not students I wanted to produce one in order to express my relationships to lists. I am constantly making lists surrounding what I need to do and how to improve. I feel that by doing this I would be able to correlate ideas in a format that expresses myself as a brand. Then if anyone see's my notes they are able to associate the ideas with myself.

I explored ways in which the header may be positioned on the page in order to express myself formally as a creative. I found that the designs in which formulate the logo centrally appeared much more effctive than ones in which explored the reversing sides of the page.

I experimented with the positioning of the header and the the hierarchy of information present, allowing for my logo and contact information to be legible. I felt that the centred approach was much more relaxed than the formal flush left approach, and as the information is minimal vignelli cannon does not apply.

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