Thursday 10 March 2016

CV (importance)

During the summer months I would like to get a placement with a design company in Leeds or at home, in order to push myself further as a designer. In order for this to happen I have decided to involve a CV aspect into my ppp project.

As my Cv will be the first chance I get to make a good impression on my potential employer. An effective CV will considerably boost my chance of getting a face-to-face interview, so it is worth spending time and effort on the content and presentation. I conducted some resrch surrounding the information in which should be present upon my design.

  • Personal Details:
Include - your name, address or addresses (if living away from home; telephone and mobile numbers; email address/es). Details such as your date of birth, nationality, gender or place of birth are discretionary and, depending on your circumstances, you may either include these or not.
  • Education and qualifications:
Only as far back as secondary school and in reverse chronological order with more space devoted to details about qualifications that matter most, normally your degree. If you feel that the content of your degree will not interest an employer, write about the skills that you developed whilst studying it.
  • Relevant Skills:
This section is increasingly common on CVs. Start by identifying which particular skills the employer is seeking and then give details. Use specific examples from your course, work experience, voluntary work and interests; in short, from any area of your life that seems appropriate.
  • Work Experience:
This can include paid jobs either during vacations or in term-time, paid and unpaid work placements, voluntary work - in fact, any situation in which you were working! They may all be used legitimately to show your suitability for the job in question by virtue of the particular skills and experience you developed.
  • Interests:
These can show evidence of suitability through reference to the skills you have learnt. Being involved in sports can demonstrate team working ability, for example, or travel can show your adaptability and independence. Don't give a long list of interests but concentrate on two or three and write about what you have learnt from them.

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