Tuesday 15 March 2016

Social media-snapchat

In order to conduct opinions and primary research I decided upon developing a snapchat. I felt that this would also allow me to share my day in day out art process, following projects as they go on. 

After developing my snapchat I decided to ask for opinions surrounding my business cards and what colour worked most effectively. From this i gained a range of response, some are depicted below. 

From conducting this research I found that purple was the favoured colour with 8 votes, green second with 6 and pink last with 5. When developing the colours of my business card in the future to match trending pantones, I must conduct research like this to ensure that one colour isn't extremely disliked. 

Overall I felt that snapchat is an effective way in which to promote and most importantly as a student gain feedback upon my work, and what to alter. 

When taking this idea to the crit, it was highly responded to as others suggested that it was a unique way in which to target a younger creative demographic. They also stated that even if the snapchat didn't gain multiple followers it was a good way in which to gain criticism. 

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