Saturday 6 May 2017

2nd drawings and crit

From deciding upon the structure of the visual interview, further drawings were developed in response to the aesthetic of the design. Throughout completing this considerations were made surrounding myself as a designer and Tim's practice. 

A large variation of ideas were firstly outlined focusing directly upon different elements in which were mentioned throughout the interview. At this stage it was decided that the interview itself would be placed at the reverse of the poster, with a 'poster design' appearing apparent on the front. This was decided upon as Tim does not usually place body copy upon his posters. 

I also felt that the reverse of the poster would allow myself a space to promote my own layout design to Tim. As within the interview Tim mentioned that he would have liked to study graphic design, I believe that the reverse should reflect more of my own design traits, such as legibility etc, in order to promote myself to Tim. 

The general aesthetics explored within the designs focuses directly upon individual aspects in which Tim spoke to myself about. Some of the concepts have been listed below.   

As Tim said that once you come out of university it is similar to passing your driving test, I decided that this may be fun to mimic. As a result of this I developed multiple approaches in which explore car iconography. The designs would be developed using a limited colour palette in order to embed Tim's design traits within my own work.

Another concept in which I felt to be strong focused upon something Tim said to myself before the interview. That he didn't want to 'blag' on, this became a running joke between us both, and by using this within my design in promotes an interdividual connection between us. 

The third concept was mimicking the patterns in which Tim uses within his own work. By doing this Tim will recognise that I actively follow his work and have a strong knowledge of his practice.  

From the original concepts further design ideas were developed. When discussing these with my peers they suggested that the car design was not appropriate, as it didn't really like with Tim's work but rather a couple of lines within the interview. They then went onto suggest that the 'blag' concept was far stronger as it would be something in which Tim remembers, it may also be humorous to him and thus he will remember it. As a result of this I decided to explore with the 'blag' and pattern concept further.

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