Wednesday 3 May 2017

Leeds in a day

In order to gather greater inspiration 'a day in leeds' was completed whereby different routes through leeds were explored, in which I would not normally take. This was in order to gain a larger perspective of the city and to visit places in which I normally would not do so. Below are images in which express my journey and thoughts gathered from being there.

Parkinson building 

 Parkinson exhibition 

Millenium square 

 Leeds city museum 

 Leeds cathedral 

 Golden postbox/Nicola Adams 

 The henry moore institute 

 Leeds war memorial 

 Kirkgate market 

Trinity Kitchen 

As I had not previously been to the majority of buildings visited I was able to gain a large knowledge upon Leeds architecture, with the phrase 'look up' coming to mind. Exhibitions were explored, with the city museum influencing 505.

Seeing Leeds from a different point of view really made me acknowledge the citys beauty and large range of assets. I acknowledged buildings in which I had not previously, as well as small bakeries and shops in which I did not think existed.

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