Sunday 7 May 2017

Female collective

As part of COP I developed that of a female collective as I personally believe it is essential that female designers are brought into light, as it is evident that the creative industries are still lead by males.

As a result of this a collective was derived of strong female designers. As a response to this (for my COP) I developed that of a collective logo, publication and website. These being essential matters in order to get female design out there. The idea of the collective was to not disinclude males, but to rather create a balance within the creative industries.

It was decided that the female design catalogue would be sent to that of male based design studios in order to promote female designers, with the website acting as a second portal. One of the key pieces of feedback gained surrounding this project was that the logo appeared to exclude men, a factor in which does not promote feminism. As a result of this, this will be altered over summer.

When discussing the collective further with the members it has been decided that we are largely going to focus upon this over the summer months. The following ideas have been suggested:

  • exhibitions 
  • zine
  • interviews with all male design studios-ask why? 
  • A publication focusing upon bias in industry
  • A 'conference' surrounding female designers
  • Female designer talks 

We aim to complete at least one of the above over the summer months. 

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