Sunday 7 May 2017

When firstly joining the course-5 things I wanted to improve

As I wanted to track my own progress I decided to re-read my blogs from the first week of level 4. From this an activity was developed in which highlights my key aims for the course. These are listed below.

  1. My drawings skills.
  2. The concepts behind my designs.
  3. The platforms I design upon, for example to use screen printing.
  4. The way I think about art. I want to submerge myself in design, rather than just choosing to do it as a career.
  5. My knowledge of art movements.

As I had officially completed my aims for Level 5, it became evident that I most definitely had already completed my initial aims for the degree. 

My drawing skills have been widely explored with first year secret 7, Uk greetings and Penguin books all focusing upon illustration. I have also completed vast drawings for each brief in order to visually record my ideas. 

Conceptual design has now become a key part of who I am as a designer. Colour, typography, layout and materials are now all influenced by the concept or that of theories, a factor in which was not relevant during my A Levels. 

Before coming to university I had not explored with any design other than screen and thus the course has already been a large eye opener for myself learning: screenprint, monoprint, foiling, embossing, debossing, and binding. 

My knowledge of art movements has also dramatically increased. As a result of COP I have a greater understanding upon how women have been treated throughout design/art history, I have gathered knowledge upon street art movements, modernism, postmodernism, globalization through design, Art nouveau, parody and pastiche, and consumerism. 

As a result of this I believe that new aims for the rest of the course should be outlined. 

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