Sunday 7 May 2017

What have I learnt from each interview

Tim's interview 

From conducting the interview with Tim I believe that my confidence in the creative fields largely rose. I felt as if I was able to personally talk to a creative without feeling nervous, and was able to confidently discuss design.

One of the key factors in which I gained from the interview with Tim was that user interface design is largely growing and thus it would be naive to not explore with this format of design. He also suggested that this is a proficient way in which to gain money once leaving university and setting up your own business. So these must be factors I consider, and explore with during level 6.

I also discovered from Tim that it is good to know the rules to break the rules. As this is an area in which he has further learnt since finishing his degree.

Jane Bowyer interview

From gaining a response from Jane, I was able to gain a female's perspective of industry. When discussing the industry and the different cost of projects she suggested that although some smaller projects may be  more relevant to her design style, she often finds herself going for higher payed projects in order to 'eat'. As a result of this I should ensure that I am not too picky when selecting projects in the future.

When discussing work up north she suggested that the creative industry in Manchester is very lively, relating the quote "Manchester's got everything except a beach”. As a result of this I must consider Manchester as a future workplace, if I wish to stay up north.

I found Jane's interview highly inspiring, especially when she discussing being a woman in a workplace. I felt that the following extract really spoke to myself, allowing for Jane's personal insight to be heard.

'Do I feel my journey would have been easier if I were a male? Yes. But isn’t that true of most areas of our lives? We live in a world where patriarchy is not only deeply ingrained in cultures around the world but it's written into the law as a means of controlling the actions of women so when you’ve got all that going on it’s difficult to imagine a scenario where’d it be easier to be a woman than a man.

On a personal level, in my career I have encountered sexism but I’ve also had some excellent male mentors and colleagues who have championed me. I think there is still a ‘boys club’ mentality in some agencies that excludes women — its not always with conscious intention more a passive, unawareness of what discrimination might be taking place and how to do something about it.'

Eve Warren interview 

When discussing women's role within the workplace, I found the following quote by eve inspiring. 'I completely understand that as a women it can be a really daunting experience to walk into a studio full of men for an interview but in my experience all studios I've interacted with have all been keen to close their gender gap.' As a female designer I felt that this quote allowed me a great knowledge into the industry and in turn made myself not daughted of all male deisgn studios. It has also made me open to applying to an all male design studio. 

As I am personally unsure upon how I plan on staying up north once I finish my degree, I felt that eves interview really helped me understand how I could do this. She also suggested staying up north would allow me to do this far easier than if I were to move to London.

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