Wednesday 3 May 2017

Working with Viscom 3rd year Tess

From the initial meeting of Tess at the LCA 170 years party, she contacted myself through instagram in an aid to help her develop a website.

From this we decided to meet and discuss what she wanted the website to look like etc. A list has been developed below in order to showcase this. 

  • Professional 
  • Highlights work
  • Link to blog?
  • Potentially an online shop 

When discussing the formatting of the website it was suggested that a 'website builder' should be used such as Wix. This decision was made as I was undergoing the 504 module at the time and realized that to produce a professional website a coder would be needed. A factor in which would not be cost effective for tess. 

We again arranged a meeting whereby I showed Tess some wireframes of what the design may appear like. These can be seen below. 

When discussing the wireframes with Tess she suggested that the first idea was the most effective as it explores the professional nature in which she seeks. She also suggested that this would be be a far cleaner way in which to express her work. 

As a result of this a digital website was mocked up in which uses stock images, as Tess had not yet sent over her professional imagery, as I had suggested that stronger photographs would promote her work further. 

 From developing the basis of the website, I again attempted to contact Tess in order to gain her photographs, as she was very busy with her dissertation I decided that I would wait a couple of weeks before again contacting her.

After again contacting Tess it became apparent that she was far too buy to get images of her work and therefore no longer wanted the design completing for her. Obviously as a student I understand the pressure given by a degree but felt this was a shame as I could now not put further digital design in my portfolio. As a result of this I have learnt that clients can easily let you down, and thus if I was being paid for work I must firstly develop a contract as this allows myself to be payed for the work in which I have completed. 

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